Saturday 20 July 2013

Stupid person....

Kli ni mmg nk lpaskn mara... hampeh...mcm tuttt... dpn aq prangai lain... blakang aq wat cte... mmg mcm s**l...mmg ni last la aq tlg ko... smpai mati ko hidup la sndri... hipokrit... aq x kn sesekali bantu ko lg... hidup la ko sndri...

thanx for spending ur time...

Thursday 18 July 2013

What am I doing????!!

Omaigoddddddd what am I doing???!! Tu la mira mnyakat lg org tgh2 mlm... kn da kena... lagi skit je nak kantoi thu... arrrggggghhhh malunye!!! Lain kli nk ckp tu pk dlu.. ni la padahnye ble mnyakat org x abes2 kn sndri da trkena... tnye lg soalan bkn2 kn da kne balik.. never bring up this issue again... always remember!!! That's it... love mira... xoxo...

thanx for spending ur time...

Tuesday 16 July 2013

Tentang kamu...

Yeahhh seperti biase mood menaip tbe2 dtg... arini nk brcerita psl seseorg plak... ktorg bru je knal dri satu social dy tuttttt... hahahaha.. he was a nice guy... I think..  bru knal so x bole prcye sgt... org nye brprangai gler2.... sgt2 gler... smpai kdg2 mira x trlyn... haiss... he know how to treat a lady well cme sometimes prangai kbudak budakan nye mmberi kn tkanan....he loves to sing.. really love to sing... and he's voice not to bad too... hahaha...asenye ckop kot puji dy.. kang puji lbih2 kmbang lak... I really hope that we will always keep in touch... n yg pling mira harap... tlg la jgn cpt berubah mcm org2 yg pnah mira knal dlu... that's it for today... bye.. xoxo.. love mira...

thanx for spending ur time...

Monday 15 July 2013

Luahan hati..

Hmm tgh2 pagi buta ni bole plak dtg mood nk menaip ni... maybe tgh frust n aty pon tgh skit...let me talk about it a little bit..  Seriously.. I hate bila org dtg dan pergi dari hidup mira wiv a blink of eyes... since mira broke up with him.. mira mmg x ske ditinggalkn.... its hurt... so I start being a cold hearted person.. until one person ask me to give a chance and open my heart for him.. and juz a few days he left without explanation.... I still can take it... but now its u... u ask me not to lost contact... u treat me nicely.... and suddenly u changed?? What is happening?? I'm a person who has a heart not a toy.. please considerate my feelings too.. now.. I think what you've been said are rite... we shouldn't always contact each other... so I think that's maybe the last from me... thank you for being a good friend before... that's all... thank you..xoxo... love mira...

thanx for spending ur time...

Tuesday 9 July 2013


Hahahah rindunye kat blog ni... lame gler x update blog... mmbe2 pon da brtnye sama ad blog ni da berkubur ke ape.. hahah sorry guys.. a little bit bz... after habis matriks on april and hav a rest for a month..mira start rajinkn dri brkerja sementara utk dot dot dot.. hahaha... now nk dkat sbln lbih da bekerja kat hotel selesa... wah the best experience I think... lots of things mira have learn... and lots of people I have met n known... antaranya teammates banquet.. abg hairil (my boss)..abg mamot, abg ikin, abg piee, leha, iti and a lot of them... x lpe jgk teammates coffee house... abg faleq, kak pau, baena, abg zul, abg ayed, dan lain2... lau nk senarai stu per stu asenye smpai sok pon x abes.. hahaha.. seriously they gave me a lot of knowledge... thanx so much sume..  skg ni bsok da nk pose... so I think my career as a part timer kat sne is goin to end... for sure I will miss them... huwaaa mcm nk nangis lak... what to do.. I need to further my study...but I promise I will never forget all of them.. n nanti ble sng2 mira dtg mlawat ye...hahaha I think thats all for today... actually bnyk lg nk cter tp smbung len kli la... bye sume... love mira... xoxo

thanx for spending ur time...